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![]() Infomaniac: WeBlog ![]() ![]() ![]()
![]() Thursday, March 31, 2005
Terri reaction
If you're looking for reaction to Terri Schiavo's death, Jeff Jarvis has compiled links to several blogs and Websites which have dedicated themselves to Schiavo today.
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As far as this blog: I feel about this story much as Sheila Lennon does: Sheila said "I haven't blogged about Terri Schiavo. I profoundly believe it's none of my business." This whole story might have been easier if more people hadn't felt that way.
posted by liz at 5:34 PM ![]() Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Art of the Search
I like the way Google tailors its logo for holidays and other occasions. Today, for Vincent Van Gogh's birthday, They've outdone themselves, I think. (I didn't include the logo image here since Google asks nicely that we not do that....)
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posted by liz at 11:21 AM ![]()
Making political hay out of the Schiavo story
Last week the Washington Post and ABC News reported on a 'memo' distributed to Republican Senators which claimed the Terri Schiavo story is a great political issue to gain Republican advantage. Now there are questions being raised about the paper in political blogs; The Washington Post's Howard Kurtz has the story. (Registration may be required.)
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posted by liz at 10:41 AM ![]() Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Related to the posting of the article on the Schiavo case donors, a New York Times story (registration required) saying the Schindlers are selling their donors mailing list to a conservative direct-marketing organization.
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Becki Snow is blogging from the vigil at the hospice where Terri Schiavo is dying. Fox's Greta Van Susteren is also blogging, including description of her visits to the hospice area. Jon Carrol, in the San Francisco Chronicle, writes about those who take political advantage from the Schiavo case:
...Somewhere in Florida, there's a woman who has no idea she's become a celebrity. It's such a shame that she'll never write a book to cash in on her fame. But someone will write a book. Oh, yes." The reporter accused of taking payments from Florida government, Mike Vasilinda, explaines on his Capitol News Service's Website why his government work doesn't affect his journalistic integrity.
(Added Wednesday:) When posting this, I also meant to add a link to Boing Boing's interview with Byrne, where I found this link in the first place. posted by liz at 12:18 PM ![]()
In the news
I'm having trouble getting Blogger to work this week, so apologies for lack of posting. It's not for lack of trying....
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Trying again with a post that failed earlier: Here are some things being discussed this week about the stories in the news: Some of the people in the crowd outside Terri Schiavo's hospice have been looked at more closely by some bloggers and news sources. One, Bill Tierney, has an interesting background in military intelligence...or is that torture? (From Billmon). Another, Scott Hildreth of NC, whose son made news everywhere when he tried to break through police lines to bring Terri water and was arrested, is a registered sex offender in Florida. With all the discussion about how much money is left to support Terri and who will get it, I haven't seen much on financing of the campaign to keep her alive. Media Transparency has an article, Team Schiavo's deep pockets on the 'consortium of right wing foundations and philanthropists' who have been funding the case. There's been lots of reaction to some reports that those supporting 'tort reform' have used the legal system in ways they are trying to eliminate now: See Hypocrites of tort reform from Emily Gottleib of the Center for Justice and Democracy; and this post at Wampum Blog. Among the people who've sued for damages: President Bush, Governor Schwarzenegger, Tom Delay and Rick Santorum. Want the full story about the Florida reporter who's on the government payroll? The story is at The Sarasota Herald Tribune. posted by liz at 11:26 AM ![]() Friday, March 25, 2005
Web images
For a gentler look at what the Web can do, there's WebGobbler, which searches the Web for photographs and combines them in to collage-like new works of art. The images are abstract and similar to each other, but each is compelling in its own way:
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![]() (Via Cyberjournalist.) posted by liz at 11:45 AM ![]()
Worried about the outcome
Blogger Jeff Jarvis, a devout Christian, is disturbed by the rhetoric coming out around Terri Schiavo's case and says:
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posted by liz at 10:57 AM ![]()
A different kind of living will
In light of the Schiavo case, thousands of people are making sure they have a living will to guarantee their wishes will be respected if they ever face a situation where they are being kept alive despite hope for recovery. (For more information, there's lots to be found with a simple Web search: here's a guide from Nolo, and one from Findlaw; there are also a few organizations which will keep a will on file for you, such as Living Will Registry.)
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But one Craigslist poster in San Francisco has come up with a unique form of an online living will: he's posted an offer to sell his vegetative body to any groups or organizations which will support issues he's interested in:
However.... If, due to the absurd political state of affairs in this country, my persistent vegetative state and impending unplugging can be parlayed into some sort of political leverage, I wholly endorse using my predicament in whatever way possible for the purposes of passing legislation favorable to my general political and ethical outlook. This would be funny if it weren't so close to reality. (Via Dan Gillmor.) posted by liz at 10:44 AM ![]() Thursday, March 24, 2005
Terri' s world
With all the terrible accusations being thown around this devastating case, every once in awhile you find a reporter has made time to look into how it all came about. See Husband, in-laws once were united in caring for Terri, a story by Cara Buckley in today's Herald. Going over old testimony in court documents, she finds that the Schindlers and Michael Schiavo were once united in her care; he called them 'Mom and Dad' and lived with them after Terri's accident. They encouraged him to date. Terri got lots of therapy. And they all agreed she was in a 'persistant vegetative state' 12 years ago. But it all went stale over money, when the award ended up much smaller than they all had expected.
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This contradicts much of the rheoric that you find on the Web everywhere; worth a read if you care about this case (doesn't everybody?). On another front, the nasty side of this case is starting to show future dangers: Florida Blog points out some scary stuff, including an apparent threat to Jeb Bush (from WorldNet Daily) that "If he lets Terri Schiavo die, that is, if he capitulates to the judicial death culture, his political future will turn as cold as it did for Ted Kennedy." And, Abstract Appeal discusses the threats to state judge Greer: "Judge Greer is part of that system, and he operated within it to perform his required role. Those who condemn him, and the judiciary that has thus far upheld his decisions, do not know what they do." Also: The Herald story on Lucenia Bullard, who said of the protesters who lobbied her to vote for the 'Schiavo bill': "They lost my respect, one, because of the lies, and secondly because of the mean-spiritedness I have felt." Meanwhile, Billmon has some suggestions about moves Gov. Bush might take.... (Via DiscourseNet.) For a couple thoughts on why people are so passionate about this case: In Not Dead at All, Harriet McBryde Johnson, a disability-rights lawyer, explains why Congress had to pass the Schiavo bill. And Peggy Noonan, in Opinion Journal, expresses the growing discussion of the 'death culture': "Why are they so committed to this woman's death? They seem to have fallen half in love with death....No one enjoys a deathbed. Very few want to leave." posted by liz at 11:26 AM ![]() Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Podcasting politics
John Edwards has posted a Podcast in which he talks about his future, the future of America, and his wife Elizabeth's cancer treatment.
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As far as I know, this is the first case of a major politician putting 'podcasts' online for distribution. The page, at One America Committee's Website, has links to subscribe to the Podcast feed and instructions on using Podcasts, and comments from people who've already listened. From one:
Don't have an I-Pod or other listening device? It's not required, you should be able to open the file using your computer software. posted by liz at 12:49 PM ![]()
What war?
Did you read anything this weekend about the 2nd anniversary of the beginning of the war in Iraq? I didn't, at least not anything that seemed enlightening enough to post. There were some protests. But I've been reading blogs since the weekend and find only brief allusions, mostly complaining about the lack of coverage. One blogger suggested the Terri Schiavo case was a convenient way for the networks and newspapers to avoid covering the protests. The Defense Department's DefenseLink has a Special report on Two Years in Iraq, and claims this year will be 'pivotal'. I'm still looking and will post anything important I find.
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posted by liz at 11:39 AM ![]() Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Learn about blogs and wikis
There's a BlogWiki Workshop 2005 being held at the University of Miami, May 19-20, 2005. From the description:
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Among the presenters, Sabrina Pacifici of LLRX.com, a site filled with information on research on legal and other topics. posted by liz at 4:43 PM ![]()
Terri Schiavo and Muslim law
In a really unusual take on the Terri Schiavo case, Islam scholar Juan Cole compares Congress's intervention with a little-used function of Islamic law that says "...any individual can use the courts to intervene in the private lives of others."
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He goes further, to claim that Congress was partially acting in behalf of the Catholic Church, violating separation of church and state, and claims that the action "...will have the same effect in the United States that it does in the Middle East. It will reduce the rights of the individual in favor of the rights of religious and political elites to control individuals". ...and American law An article in Slate, Activist Legislators, compares Terri's case to that of Elian Gonzalez. For more coverage including documents and background, see Miami Herald's complete coverage of Terri Schiavo case. posted by liz at 11:57 AM ![]()
Music and media
The M3, Miami Music Media Summit is happening this week, and is being pointed to around the blogosphere for the appearance (among others) later this week of Lawrence Lessig, Stanford University professor, originator of Creative Commons, and author of Free Culture; How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity and other books. The purpose of the summit, at the Raleigh on Miami Beach:
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posted by liz at 11:41 AM ![]() Monday, March 21, 2005
Sand Circles
A new movement, apparently, in California is creating circles in the sand on San Francisco-area beaches. You can see photos and a video of the creation at Cropless Crop Circles. Sounds like the perfect thing for Florida's flat, wide renourished beaches.....
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(Via Metafilter.) posted by liz at 1:47 PM ![]()
A place to publish
Ourmedia is a new site in the planning for a few months now, by a talented group of individuals including blogger JD Lasica. The site will allow individuals to post their own writings and performances. Now on Ourmedia: music MP3s from contributors including David Byrne and Roger McGuinn, recordings of interviews and discussions, and stories and articles. Among the stories: Grimms' Fairy Tales. From the description:
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Get your works noticed and recognized. Make your voice heard. posted by liz at 12:11 PM ![]()
Blogging the Terri Schiavo case
(Update added later): For a good, complete, impassionate explanation of the life and near death and continued maintenance of Terri Schiavo, Abstract Appeal has a Terri Schiavo Information Page which attempts to help people understand this complicated case. As the author says, If you're wondering "how "this" could be happening or how everyone involved could be ignoring or overlooking "so much": Keep looking for more information.".
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The Florida law blog, Abstract Appeal, has been posting on the Schiavo story for months and is still one of the best sources for Schiavo news. Blogger Matt Conigliaro has also recently done a TV interview on the story. The Political Teen is posting some videos from news discussions. Blogs for Terri is a group blog posting info from other blogs and news sites, among the sites with the most up-to-date news on the case. This site also has a long, long blogroll mostly consisting of other pro-life sites. Arguing the case that all supporters of the Schindler family are not conservatives is the Liberals for Terri blog. The Guardian links to several more blogs and comments on the Guardian Newsblog. More blog links on Dean's List. (Added later): Another site aggregating blog posts on Schiavo is ProLifeBlogs.com. It's interesting, but depressing, to read a lot of this. The rhetoric is often hateful. Some sites are going so far to accuse 'Democrats' and 'Liberals' of pushing a 'Pro-Death' agenda (a strange accusation considering that most of the opposition to the death penalty is there). There's a lot of thoughtful discourse, too, but nearly overwhelmed. For example, Jeff Jarvis has a discussion today:
I was also taken by this one, Schiavo, Mill and the Culture of Living, by PERRspectives:
...Ours is - or rather should be - a culture that sees preserving individual autonomy as vital to liberty. Call it "the Culture of Living."" posted by liz at 11:05 AM ![]() Friday, March 18, 2005
A quiet motorcycle
The first hydrogen fuel cell vehicle has been introduced in Britain, hydrogen powered motorcyle costing about 8,000 pounds ($12,000 or so). The main complaint about the bike: it doesn't make any noise. They're thinking about adding an artificial engine noise....for safety purposes.
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posted by liz at 2:00 PM ![]()
The Times reports that American troops in Iraq have mistakenly fired on British and other nations' troops 32 times. So the U.S. forces are having training to teach the Americans to recognize the Union Jack.
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posted by liz at 11:59 AM ![]() Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Wonkette on Jeb!(0) comments
How's that war going?
Following up on some topics we've discussed here in the past:
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Newsweek has now done a story on children who lost a parent in the war in Iraq; the number is now up to 1,043. Seven of those children lost mothers. Stars & Stripes writes about injuries to older soldiers: turns out many military doctors are having to treat patients in their 40s and 50s for things like hernias and chest pains. "'We've never gone to war with guys as old as this before,' (one doctor)said." Last week, Knight-Ridder's Joe Galloway wrote about the arguments for going to war in the first place, two years later: "This war that was supposed to be a cakewalk has taken the lives of 1,510 American troops and sent thousands more home, maimed by improvised explosive devices that tear off arms and legs... Now the administration tells us that we had to attack not because Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and ties to al-Qaeda, but because he wasn't a democrat.". Oh, and let's not forget about that Knight Ridder investigation on how returning veterans are being treated: "Tens of thousands of veterans find winning the disability payments they're owed is often doomed by lengthy delays, hurt by inconsistent rulings and failed by the veterans reps who try to help them." Chalmers Johnson writes about the book on a little-known CIA operation to fund the mujahadeen rebels in Afghanistan, Charlie Wilson's War: "Meanwhile, the United States lost interest in Afghanistan, which descended into a civil war that the Taliban ultimately won. In the autumn of 2001, the United States returned in force after Al Qaeda retaliated against its former weapon supplier by attacking New York and Washington. The president of the United States went around asking, "Why do they hate us?"" posted by liz at 9:33 AM ![]() Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Talking about journalism
Lots of people are talking about this Flash documentary called EPIC. It's supposedly from something called 'The Museum of Media History' in Tampa, in 2014, discussing how the news and entertainment media will have changed by then, to reflect what people want to hear. For a taste of the possible future, worth a look.
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For more on how journalism's doing these days, there's The State of the News Media 2005, a long detailed report from Journalism.org. And, lots of journalists and scholars are talking about the book by UNC journalism prof Phil Meyer (once a Herald reporter) called The Vanishing Newspaper. For a report on this book, journalist Tim Porter has read and summarized it. Apparently Prof. Meyer predicts the last newspaper reader will be gone by 2040 -- and, as some have pointed out, that's about the time Social Security will go red according to administration predictions. For another last look at the whole Dan Rather saga from last summer, culminating in Dan's last day last week, James Goodale has looked at the report which came a few months later, and says it's flawed:
posted by liz at 8:51 AM ![]() Friday, March 11, 2005
State of the world
A couple things caught my eye today that give us an interesting new perspective on what's going on in the world right now:
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Are we in World War IV? is a report in the TomDispatch blog; writer Tom Engelhardt, a long-time observer of world politics, discusses the case that 'neocons' are making that the level of conflict in the world right now is at World War intensity. Between the Iraq war, terrorism, and increasing weapons of mass distruction, policymakers are building up fear, which leads to more retaliation; and in doing so, increase the chance of their fears becoming reality:
Watching America is a new international news site which compiles news from around the world about the U.S. Lots here about the Italian hostage shooting incident in Iraq, for example. Useful to see how the world is reporting these stories. posted by liz at 12:51 PM ![]()
Can't get to Bike Week?
The biggest show in motorcycling is going on right now in Daytona Beach. For those who want to see the sights, Daytona Beach Live has live video from the streets. For more on Bike Week, there's The official Website from the Chamber of Commerce, including a photo gallery. Then there's BikeWeek.com. If you want to know how the racing's going, there's SOUP (Super Bike Planet, where you can get news and photos from the races, including lists of finishers in each race. If you're looking to find results from local Florida racers like those in CCS, they are at FormulaUSA. Race results should also be at Motorsport.com. Last year they featured local Miami racers, the Long family.
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posted by liz at 12:20 PM ![]()
A bit of Florida history
The always entertaining Florida Memory Project, from the State Archives of Florida, has a new fascinating film clip online: it's A short film featuring Jim Morrison when he was an FSU student in Tallahassee in 1964. The film was made to promote college education for Florida industries.
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More fascinating clips on the film and video section, too, including scenes from the 1958 Florida folk festival, an interview with Bobby Bowden after his first season at FSU, and film from the 1964 Daytona 500. Other films: an interview with Angela Davis, and Sen. George Smathers talking about the assassination of his good friend President John F. Kennedy. posted by liz at 12:05 PM ![]()
New blogger
Rosie O'Donnell, who lists her address as NY/Miami in her Blogger profile, is blogging at OnceAdored.blogspot.com, and calls her blog "formerlyROSIE". The blog is written in haiku-like verse and contains comments on television programs, her life, and how people think of her. One section, on removing obnoxious comments from her blog:
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you are gone but not forgotten your words resonated and were felt you hate me stranger hear ya - loud and clear feel ya - i got it boys ...stay away from the dark side luke" Lots of comments on this blog, which means lots of people have found it, probably partly because it was profiled in the NY Times this week. There's a home page too. posted by liz at 11:46 AM ![]() Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Florida insurance news
Not to be missed, a special series done by Florida Today and other Florida Gannett newspapers, The Insurance Storm, about how Floridians are struggling to deal with rising insurance costs after 2004's hurricane season, and how insurance companies continue to profit. Included: a database of campaign contributions by insurance insiders. This story is important for all Floridians, with the special session in the legislature discussing the topic.
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(Via Joe Adams.) posted by liz at 10:07 AM ![]()
R Crumb
After Britain's Guardian published excerpts from a new book on the work of famed '60s cartoonist R Crumb, the newspaper supplement with the story is already for sale on E-Bay. Crumb, who has lived in France for many years, is that popular. The Guardian blog has lots of links to information about Crumb, including the blog by his wife Aline.
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posted by liz at 9:56 AM ![]() Tuesday, March 08, 2005
What's in Dave Barry's bag?
You may have wondered how Dave Barry manages to get his columns (and now, blog) posted no matter where he goes. For a good example, Dave is taking photos on a trip to England with Ridley Pearson with his 'crap cam'; you can see them on the blog. Here's an article in Engadget that explains the equipment in Dave's gadget bag.
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posted by liz at 11:56 AM ![]()
An Internet bubble
Wonderful series of stories in the Seattle Times, Dot-Con Job, about how a company called InfoSpace made a paper fortune on the Internet, and left investors broke. The biggest company in the Northwest for a while, its executives spent fortunes on homes, cars and toys, and eventually ran it into the ground.
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(InfoSpace is still around, with new management and a modest collection of phone number and Web searches, a useful search tool.) (Via Dan Gillmor, who says this makes him angry.) posted by liz at 11:38 AM ![]() Monday, March 07, 2005
Story of courage
A Daily Kos contributor writes about A Promise to My Grandfather in a diary entry.
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He discovers another Kos writer had a grandfather with a connection to this story. This story just couldn't have been made up.
posted by liz at 4:57 PM ![]()
Are all blogs independent?
In an interesting take on the recent cases where bloggers had an effect on the news, American Prospect calls some blogs "Pseudo-journalistic Web sites", funded by organizations with political agendas. 'Easongate', for example, the site that pushed the story of the CNN exec's claim that journalists were targeted by the military in Iraq, was supported by a Republican operative.
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This analysis covers all sides of the story from Jeff Gannon to Dan Rather. One important distinction they found, though:
posted by liz at 4:50 PM ![]()
Another Florida gardening blog
Here's a new blog I meant to link to on Friday:
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Taming of the Band-Aid, a new gardening blog from Naples, FL. The owner of this blog has dedicated his blog and his work to returning a plot of land back into a native plant and wildlife refuge. Nice photos of insects, butterflies, etc. with identifications, as well as info on birds and plants. (Thanks to Nancy at The Garden's Gift.) posted by liz at 11:14 AM ![]() Friday, March 04, 2005
How international?
U.S. Cities in the World Cities Network is a study from the Brookings Institution that identifies cities that have most connections to international cities, including Miami. Even though Miami is more international than many cities, Brookings believes we need to go further:
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Cities able to grow and attract globally-connected, high-value service firms can access, and benefit from, a worldwide array of customers, workers, and contracted services, ultimately boosting quality growth at home." posted by liz at 2:17 PM ![]()
Curious as to where the 'Uncle Duke' character in Doonesbury came from and whether he really was modeled on Hunter S. Thompson? Garry Trudeau has put The original 'Uncle Duke' strips from 1974 online. Think Duke is weird now? Check him out, then...
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posted by liz at 2:15 PM ![]()
Nifty tool:
Miami Beach's Marc Fest, creator of QuickBrowse, MyHerald, and other internet tricks (and now with the New World Symphony), has come up with a new one: QDirty (for Quick and Dirty Web Page and URL Creator), a freeware tool to turn those long URLs into something much shorter. (Via email.)
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posted by liz at 2:09 PM ![]() Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Internet history, and a name in the news
Hard to believe it's so recent, but Yahoo! is just celebrating its 10th anniversary. In celebration, they've put the first Yahoo! home page online for comparison. Pretty stark, but it was a thing of beauty at the time.
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In one of today's ironies in the news, Ann Coulter could be the next mayor of Chattanooga. No, not THAT Ann Coulter..... posted by liz at 10:01 AM ![]() Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Where they came from
ICasualties.org has created a map showing Where the soldiers killed in Iraq came from. A few bloggers have linked to this noting that the highest concentrations seem to match the 'blue states' that voted Democratic.....
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posted by liz at 3:40 PM ![]()
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