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Infomaniac: WeBlog
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Personalize your Web
It's a phenomenon that's growing by leaps and bounds, and isn't yet part of most people's lives: Personalizing your Web. Over the last few years there've been projects like Friendster (and Dogster, and Catster), and Orkut, and others, where you could link together all your online friends, their photos and messages; and places to post your photos (like Flickr) abound. Of course there are community linking sites like Craigslist, Freecycle, and lots more (like the restaurant review site I linked yesterday).
But there's a new generation of sites coming online. Amoung them, Ourmedia, where you can upload your videos and sound files for free. One of the founders of Ourmedia, JD Lasica, was interviewed for a Boston Globe story which he excerpts on his site, including this: "Ourmedia could become the Internet's richest and most user-friendly multimedia site -- and for publishers, definitely the cheapest. It's such an appealing vision that it's sure to enrich someone... certainly the rest of us" And Lasica today also points to a new upcoming site which will have even more ways to personalize, allowing you to basically create 'your life on the web'. It's called GoingOn and will be available soon through the AlwaysOn site. The big boys are getting into this phenomenon too, with Yahoo! offering Yahoo! 360 where you can blog, post photos and link your friends. And last week I saw rumors that Microsoft's working on something like this. posted by liz at 10:11 AM
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