Overheard on the Web, and other Web links From The Herald's Research Editor
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
War for hearts and minds
News on the London bombings becomes more and more upsetting as reports come in that the bombers were British-born, normal seeming young men. In a frightening report from The Times Online, leaked British government memos say extremism is on the rise due to the war in Iraq:
"The Iraq war is identified by the dossier as a key cause of young Britons turning to terrorism. The analysis says: "It seems that a particularly strong cause of disillusionment among Muslims, including young Muslims, is a perceived 'double standard' in the foreign policy of western governments, in particular Britain and the US."
The story has links to the fulltext of this document.
For more on why the Iraq war has raised so much anger (see also the report on civilian casualties posted earlier today, below), it's worth reading Facing South on the looting of Iraq, from the Institute of Southern Studies' blog.
For more on this topic, CorpWatch has created a site just for news and reports on War Profiteers. posted by liz at 12:48 PM
Elisabeth (Liz) Donovan was a Herald librarian for 10 years, and Research Editor for 13 years. She came to The Herald in 1981, following several years at the
Washington Post. She started blogging in 2000, with a news research blog, followed by the blog at Herald.com in 2003. A frequent speaker and writer on news research, she was honored in 2004 by the
News Division of the Special Libraries Association for her contributions to
the field.