Overheard on the Web, and other Web links From The Herald's Research Editor
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
The American Conservative magazine comes out for John Kerry? This is a surprise after founder Pat Buchanan reluctantly and barely endorsed Bush. The Kerry piece is not a strong endorsement:
"If Kerry wins, this magazine will be in opposition from Inauguration Day forward. But the most important battles will take place within the Republican Party and the conservative movement. A Bush defeat will ignite a huge soul-searching within the rank-and-file of Republicandom: a quest to find out how and where the Bush presidency went wrong."
Actually the Kerry story is not the ultimate endorsement from this magazine, as they have posted several pieces with various editor's opinions. Some of the editors have chosen other candidates, from Ralph Nader to Michael Anthony Peroutka. As the magazine states: "Unfortunately, this election does not offer traditional conservatives an easy or natural choice and has left our editors as split as our readership."
Elisabeth (Liz) Donovan was a Herald librarian for 10 years, and Research Editor for 13 years. She came to The Herald in 1981, following several years at the
Washington Post. She started blogging in 2000, with a news research blog, followed by the blog at Herald.com in 2003. A frequent speaker and writer on news research, she was honored in 2004 by the
News Division of the Special Libraries Association for her contributions to
the field.