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Infomaniac: WeBlog
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
It's not our freedom?
Apparently a Pentagon study has discovered that Muslims do not 'hate our freedom'. This breakthrough revelation came in this: Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Strategic Communication, a 111-page PDF. Since the report is so long, here's a Christian Science Monitor story summarizing it. From the Monitor's story, the conclusion of the report:
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The report is from an independent panel set up to advise the Secretary of Defense. And what about the election? The best indicator of our freedom is knowing our elections are working. So it's good that so many people are worried. Nov3.us is still monitoring the results, and has a long list of prominent supporters including Rev. Jesse Jackson. Green candidate David Cobb is also monitoring the vote questions around the country. And for an extreme analysis of the election, there's this in Online Journal by Wayne Madsen: Saudis, Enron money helped pay for US rigged election. In this one, 'informed sources' say the election was deliberately rigged by the Bush campaign. There's a followup story, too: More on the buying of electoral fraud by the Bush campaign. Meanwhile, Keith Olbermann remains locked on the voting questions story, too. (Some of these links via Sivacracy.) A personal tribute: By the way, Olbermann has also written a touching reminiscence about Dick Ebersol, his one-time boss at NBC Sports, who survived that Colorado plane crash this weekend. posted by liz at 9:39 AM Monday, November 29, 2004
Exploiting the sandwich
OK, this is getting ridiculous. But when you spend $28,000 for a grilled cheese sandwich, you've got to take advantage of it. Sandwich buyer Golden Palace.com has set up a new site: Make your own grilled cheese sandwich. Put your picture on a sandwich, too. Upload your own photo or browse the Web for something fun to use.
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Jim DeFede's epic journey continues. In other news: In reaction to the stories about new security measures requiring intimate patdowns of women in airports, MSNBC is recruiting 'citizen reporters' to tell their stories. Other topics MSNBC wants comments on: Fallujah and the war in Iraq, and 'Your Thanksgiving trip home'. Here are some of the submissions The Providence Journal is also providing a place for people to report their experiences in airports (registration required). (Via Sheila Lennon.) posted by liz at 1:41 PM Sunday, November 28, 2004
Checking the Florida Vote
The Herald checked the votes in three North Florida counties and found that the vote irregularity was not based on any fraud or conspiracy:
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'They're not going to vote for a Northeast liberal,' said Lafayette County Judge Harlow Land, director of the county canvassing board." And, on a lighter note: Blogging the cheese: Check out The Herald's Jim DeFede, who's delivering the Virgin Mary grilled cheese sandwich to Las Vegas. posted by liz at 8:24 PM Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Remember the Founders
Fighting Words for a Secular America: this MS Magazine article by Robin Morgan reminds us what the founding fathers believed about religion in America, and why church and state were separated in the Constitution. John Adams:
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(Via Metafilter.) posted by liz at 11:14 AM
Our Leader
Lots of reaction in the blogs to notice of a couple new Florida billboards. This link is to Blue Lemur's posting, with over 200 comments....
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(via Florida Blog.) posted by liz at 11:08 AM Tuesday, November 23, 2004
For those wondering what to do to get the party back on track, Oliver Willis offers Brand Democrat with lots of graphics and logos you can download and use (as well as buy on T-shirts, etc.) They include slogans such as: National Security First, Presidential Yachts Later (Much Later). Presidential yacht?
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(Via Michael Froomkin.) posted by liz at 1:36 PM
First the NBA, then South Carolina college football, then President Bush in Chile....all this fighting. What's going on? Knoxville News blogger Michael Silence has pictures, first place I've seen them mentioned all together. But there seems to be a pattern. With the combativeness of the last election, has a new cultural phenomenon entered the American scene? Fighting is OK?
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And what about this book, Born Fighting, How the Scots-Irish Shaped America, by former Secretary of the Navy James Webb?From a review on Amazon.com:
The readers' reviews are revealing, too. Here's part of one:
The book certainly seems relevant to current events. But, what about the 'fighting' part? Is this our future? Oh, yes, and then we have 6 people killed in Minnesota...over a tree stand. posted by liz at 11:20 AM
Long awaited
Dan Ricker's Watchdog Report, distributed by email to movers and shakers in South Florida for a few years now, (and also running on Herald.com) is now (finally) a Website, WatchdogReport.net.
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Dan Ricker is a citizen who believes in open government, and who has taken on the job of trying to find the stories that go unreported in the daily grind of commission meetings and back-door politics. He's had to solicit contributions to keep the email newsletter going, so the Website will be by subscription too. But there's a free trial on now. There's even a T-shirt for sale, benefiting Miami High's Moviemakers program. Every city needs a citizen reporter like Dan Ricker. posted by liz at 10:45 AM Monday, November 22, 2004
Leftover weekend silliness
Sheila Lennon has a great idea on how to keep cats off your keyboard.
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For true geeks, especially Web site creators, an HTML tattoo, via Boing Boing. posted by liz at 4:17 PM
Sites responds
If you've been following the postings here about the reporting of NBC's Kevin Sites from Iraq, read his latest posting, "Open Letter to Devil Dogs of the 3." for his explanation of how the story of the mosque shooting happened and how he feels about it:
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...For those who don't practice journalism as a profession, it may be difficult to understand why we must report stories like this at all -- especially if they seem to be aberrations, and not representative of the behavior or character of an organization as a whole. ...So here, ultimately, is how it all plays out: when the Iraqi man in the mosque posed a threat, he was your enemy; when he was subdued he was your responsibility; when he was killed in front of my eyes and my camera -- the story of his death became my responsibility. posted by liz at 3:06 PM Friday, November 19, 2004
Death threats
Think the story about death threats on Kevin Sites' blog was exaggerated? Anti War Blog has been reading conservative blogs like Little Green Footballs and FreeRepublic, and lists some of the obnoxious comments made there. Like, "Journalists should wear bright orange clothes so the murdering terrorists can see who they don't need to shoot at but can if they want." and "[Beneath a photo of Sites] Kevin Sites - - Next Friendly-Fire Victim"
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Harsh words, and a sad state of affairs in America when a journalist doing his job -- reporting what he sees -- can be threatened. posted by liz at 9:46 AM
On that vote
The question of voting discrepencies in the last electon is not going away. Latest salvo: a report by some University of California researchers that finds Florida voting machine irregularities may have given George W. Bush an extra 130,000 votes or more. There's a summary and a full report available at this site, as well as the raw data for doing your own analysis.
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Sheila Lennon is linking to this story and more, and Keith Olbermann is reporting this too, along with many other voting irregularities. posted by liz at 9:28 AM
What's new
Amid all the war and other news, some useful new things happening on the Web:
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Google Scholar is a new search engine from Google that just finds scholarly reports. Many of them will be available online, although in some cases you will just get a bibliographic record and will have to find a library holding the issue. The Library of Congress has announced they are starting a project to create a huge digital archive of American newspapers. For a start, they have World War I issues of the Stars and Stripes newspaper. It's easy to search for a name, or browse a particular issue. The search results show the entire page with the story your search terms are in magnified. Want to know more about this project? Here's a speech to the National Press Club by the chairmain of the National Endowment for the Humanities, which is supporting the newspaper project. Note if you're interested in find more of this sort of research tool, I often highlight them on my other blog, Behind the News; for daily updates on latest research resources, though, I always check Gary Price's ResourceShelf and another of Gary's projects, Docuticker. posted by liz at 9:17 AM Thursday, November 18, 2004
Interesting that the comments section of Falluja in Pictures has gathered at least as many comments as a posting on Dave Barry's blog. As one reader says, it proves people want to see what's happening: things they can't find in the major media. The comments are what would be expected, ranging from those reacting to the author's explanation: "a lot of people have sent me pictures of september 11th. please stop. i lived in lower manhattan on 9/11. saddam hussein had nothing to do with what happened that day."; those who hope everyone looks; to those asking why it doesn't show the violence committed by insurgents. One response:
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Chilling news about some of the things mentioned here recently, from the Romenesko blog at the Poynter Institute: Kevin Sites has been getting death threats on his blog, according to this New York Times story, so he's shut down comments. This in reaction to his reporting of the killing of a wounded civilian in Fallujah. And, Knight Ridder reporter Hannah Allam talks about working in the midst of violence in Iraq, including death threats and body parts. Baltimore's City Paper does a story on the Johns Hopkins reseachers who did a study released in The Lancet recently claiming that 100,000 Iraqis have died in the war. There's been mixed reaction to the study, ranging from doubt to questions why it's not been reported much in the media. This story goes into details, for example clarifying that of the 100,000, many deaths were not from U.S. attacks but from malnutrition, lack of sanitation, and crime; but all of them a direct result of the effects of the war. However, one of the researchers states that at least half -- 50,000 deaths -- did result from violence, especially U.S. air strikes involving cluster bombs. And in Fallujah:
posted by liz at 9:40 AM Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Green Tea
There's buzz about a Palm Beach Post story that says CNN's Candy Crowley was shocked that John Kerry ordered green tea for breakfast. Crowley thought it showed how out of touch Kerry is. Media Matters for America says it proves Crowley's out of touch: most Americans aren't as out of it as she thinks.
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posted by liz at 5:37 PM
The mission continues
Since John Kerry conceded the election, it's interesting to see that one of his missions (as one-time spokesman for Vietnam Veterans Against the War) is being reflected in a new organization, Iraq Veterans Against the War. The group is profiled, along with a photo of founder Mike Hoffman, in this article in Mother Jones magazine.
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In Fallujah: Here's a history of Fallujah, from In These Times. Seems like if we're going to destroy a place, we ought to know what it was like. To know what it's like now, there's a new blog called Fallujah in Pictures. It shows what's going on there in photos supplied by readers. Apparently the photos are graphic and shocking. I didn't want to look, but when I did click I couldn't get in. Maybe lots of people have heard of this site already... For an Iraqi view on the Fallujah attack, see Riverbend or The Mesopotamian. (Via Cursor, Guardian blog, and Doc Searls.) posted by liz at 2:11 PM Tuesday, November 16, 2004
News from the front
NBC's Kevin Sites is often cited as an example of a professional journalist who 'gets' blogging. Sites had a blog which was shut down last year when he was working for CNN. Now Sites, with NBC News and seen often lately on the evening news, has the biggest story out of the Fallujah attacks: The story and pictures of a U.S. soldier shooting a wounded man in the head.
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With the story, last night anchor Brian Williams mentioned Sites' blog and said you could get to it from the MSNBC Website. At least one blogger this morning mentioned it and said the link was prominent. I can't find it there now, either on the MSNBC main page or linked from the story. There are links to MSNBC's sanctioned blogs, like Keith Olbermann's, but not to Sites', which is his personal blog. Did someone at the network decide linking to it wasn't cool? It's interesting that Sites' blog doesn't normally discuss military operations, but often has stories of Sites' encounters with soldiers, including photographs, some of soldiers with a little Hawaiian dancer statue named 'Layla'. Today, though, it does have some outstanding pictures of U.S. military in thick of battle in the streets of Fajullah. posted by liz at 9:51 AM Monday, November 15, 2004
One more map
Can't resist this one. This map, from the Mass. Institute for a New Commonwealth, shows the U.S. broken down into 10 equal voting regions. It's fascinating that Maine is lumped in with the mid-to-western states (Sagebrush) and that southeast Florida joins the western borders (El Norte) and not the Southern Lowlands or Southern Comfort areas. It's part of a larger report called Beyond Red and Blue. There's also an article in the Boston Globe by the author of the report. (Via Daily Kos.)
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These maps are starting to remind me of Joel Garreau's 1981 book The Nine Nations of North America (the link leads to an excerpt/interview in PDF format) in which he declared Miami part of 'The Islands':
...In Miami this is affecting everything because these $100 bills are coming home and buying shopping centers and office buildings. It's affecting the entire economy." posted by liz at 2:08 PM Friday, November 12, 2004
Help is on the way
For all those who are still mourning, here's Mark Fiore's Depressed Democrats' Guide to Recovery. Another great animated work from this genius cartoonist. "You may not know it, but you have 'moral values' too!"
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posted by liz at 5:28 PM
Quieting the clamor
Here are a couple of articles that claim to put to rest some of the discussions about the results of the election: Vote Fraud Theories, Spread by Blogs, are Quickly Buried in the New York Times. And 'Moral Values' Myth, Charles Krauthammer's column in the Washington Post.
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posted by liz at 11:58 AM Thursday, November 11, 2004
Val at Politically Progressive, a new blog out of Lighthouse Point, Fl, reacts to the Open Letter from A Democrat I ran the other day. Val's got some interesting points to make, and this looks like a blog to watch.
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Oh, yes, and another new Florida blog to watch, suggested by Mark Lane at Florida Blog: Florida News. (But be aware that this blog definitely has a bias, evidenced by the email address of 'IHateRepublicans'.....) posted by liz at 3:29 PM
Honoring Veterans
Today, on Veterans' Day, what better thing to think about? Thank you Veterans is a site to help kids do just that. You can send an email greeting to a vet, learn about community projects, or just see what other kids have done. This site is from Paralyzed Veterans of America.
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(via Yahoo! Picks.) posted by liz at 1:52 PM
New Hampshire voting
Sheila Lennon at the Providence Journal is following the questions about voting discrepencies very carefully. Today she has information about a challenge to New Hampshire's results from Ralph Nader. Since the Black Box Voting book and Website came out, Sheila's been keeping up with this very important topic.
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posted by liz at 11:32 AM Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Explaining the election, cont.
Jeff Jarvis says it's obvious as you study the election maps that the divide is not red state/blue state but urban/suburban and rural. He says,
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The best thing the Democrats can do is move out to the 'burbs. You'll survive, believe me. I did. posted by liz at 11:29 AM
Florida problems?
The question of the difference between exit polls, voting results, and how new voting technologies may have influenced them, remains a topic of discussion in many areas. MSNBC's Keith Olbermann is discussing it, here in a transcript of his 'Countdown' program, and in his blog. Examples quoted by an interviewee:
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Baker County, Florida, on the Georgia border for instance. 69 percent of voter registered Democrats. 24 percent Republicans. Yet President Bush got 7,738. And Senator Kerry, just 2,180. In Holmes County, in the panhandle, seven Democrats for every two Republicans in the district. Bush beat Kerry 6,410 to 1,810. In Dixie County, 77.5 percent registered Democrats, Bush 4,433, Kerry 1,959. Lafayette County, 83 percent Democratic, Bush, 2,460. Kerry, 845. In Liberty County, Bristol, Florida, 88 percent of registered voters there are Democrat. 8 percent Republican. Bush, 1,927. Kerry, 1,070. (Added later:) Here's a discussion of the voting in Florida from two professors from Cornell and Stanford, which, they say, proves that the vote results seem to be normal based on previous voting patterns. Hard to imagine that a 60-to-70 percent change in some counties can be explainable, but..... Also, here's an article in the Boston Globe that discusses all the internet chatter about possible vote fraud/errors and dismisses most of it. posted by liz at 10:08 AM
Letter from a Democrat
This arrived by email and the writer asked not to be identified. But she makes some interesting points and, although I don't know who else she sent it to or whether it will show up anywhere else, it seems worth reproducing, at least part:
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...If my party took the time to listen to me, here's what they would hear: posted by liz at 10:01 AM Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Cool news tool:
Want a new interesting way to browse the news? 10 x 10 is a very cool visual summary of the day's top news by pictures. Just roll the cursor over the photos or the list on right; news is ranked by popularity; clicking on a photo or topic gets more photos and some headlines leading to stories.
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posted by liz at 6:28 PM
Another map, and more on the election
This map of election results is different from all the rest. Sheila Lennon at Subterranean Homepage Blues calls it "the coolest of them all". It's from mapping software company ESRI, and shows huge blue spikes on the map where the largest populations are.
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For more on the election, Newsweek gives us Face to Face, a summary of the entire election process in several ongoing chapters, along with several analyses of the results. If you're still fascinated with this election, this should make you happy. posted by liz at 6:08 PM Monday, November 08, 2004
Mapping it
Lots of new election results maps showing up. Some are trying to show that the results were not as skewed as they appear on the red/blue maps: although those show huge areas of the country going for Bush, the Kerry areas actually have lots more people in them, so appear almost equal if you draw the map proportionally. Here are some:
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posted by liz at 3:31 PM
More reaction
Trying to explain:
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South Knox Bubba has had several posts over the last few days trying to tell Kerry supporters what they need to do and think about these election results:
We're the little mom and pop hardware stores, dress shops, and shoe stores on Main Street. We have a little merchant's association that meets once a month at the coffee shop to talk about the parking meter situation and maybe pitch in a few bucks for a co-op ad or two. We volunteer at the local charities and sponsor the Down Home Music and Crafts Festival every year. They are Wal-Mart. They operate out of taxpayer-funded mega-developments with lots of free parking. At their glass and steel corporate headquarters they have the worlds largest retail/consumer database and the most advanced technology ever devised for managing their worldwide operations with ruthless efficiency. They have the purchasing and marketing power to create or destroy entire industries and they rule their suppliers and employees with an iron fist to keep them in line." And, to the conservatives who've been leaving gloating comments on his blog:
Lots and lots of comments responding to these..... Why? Jeff Jarvis (Buzz Machine) says Michael Moore lost the election for Kerry. Who Voted: Kevin Drum at Political Animal looks at who voted for Bush and breaks down the demographics, finding some interesting things that contradict the assumptions:
...his support was up by 10 points in urban areas and down by 2 points in rural communities, including a surprising 9 point decrease from residents of small towns. ...the gun vote was a net negative for Bush this year compared to 2000. ...Religious belief doesn't seem to have made much difference in the election. ...Bush apparently has done a great job of persuading people who think the economy is doing well that his policies were responsible. ...my tentative conclusion is that the "moral values" vote is a red herring. It played no bigger a role this year than in 2000. Terrorism played a bigger role, mostly by being a more important issue to a lot more people. And that good old mainstay the economy was the most important of all. Concern about Florida: There's lots of discussion on the Web on whether the results of the election are accurate, considering that new election technologies, put in place by companies that donate lots to the Republican Party, seem to not reflect the expected votes. Some question how exit polls and votes should have been so far apart. Discussion of possible Florida vote fraud in Common Dreams. This argument is backed up by statistics from the Florida Secretary of State: Florida votes for Bush/Kerry by county; Voter registration by party by county. USTogether finds unusual voting patterns in Florida; this Website is getting links from bloggers and other sites everywhere. (Added later:) Blogging of the President has lots of links to sites that discuss possible vote fraud, error or manipulation. On a conciliatory note: John Perry Barlow offers Magnanimous Defeat, an essay on how to get through the next four years. Barlow, once a Republican, is worried about the future:
..."Saddam was killing them too." I doubted that even Saddam has ever killed as many Iraqis in a year and a half as we've just polished off, but I let that pass. ...I have a long history of pre-announcing The End of the World As We Know It. Clear back when I was a budding young libertarian, I believed that Barry Goldwater's crushing defeat by Lyndon Johnson was the end of conservatism in America. Boy, was I ever wrong about that. ...I will still believe that truly free societies maintain mechanisms to promote the even distribution of wealth. I will go on believing that liberty is worth living for and not to be sacrificed so readily to fear. I will go on believing that my daughters should not be forced to bear children they are not prepared to raise properly and I will not forget that people make mistakes. ...This will be a tricky four years. In addition to a sense of humor, which should have plenty of dark meat to feast on, we will need cunning, courage, clarity, and, as I say, forgiveness." posted by liz at 10:18 AM Saturday, November 06, 2004
Fondly remembered?
This is rather bizarre, but an interesting take on what the future may hold: Greil Marcus, in the City Pages of the Twin Cities, writes an Obituary of George W. Bush, dead of heart failure at 72 in 2018.
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...President Bush led the United States into four wars, oversaw the dismantling of Social Security and Medicare, and enforced a drastic shrinking of elementary, secondary, and collegiate education. ...He is survived by his parents." posted by liz at 11:43 AM
Thinking about leaving the country since you don't like the election results? (Boy, does this remind me of the Nixon years.) You may have heard about this article in Harper's magazine, Electing To Leave, which tells you what it takes to get residency or citizenship in several other countries:
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In France, "...Assimilation is reserved for persons of non-French descent who are able to prove that they are more French than American, having mastered the language as well as the philosophy of the French way of life. " Also, here's a story from Reuters saying Canada's immigration Website is hot these days. And then there's www.marryanamerican.ca, where you might be able to find a Canadian citizen willing to help you get in (this is a satirical site, though). posted by liz at 11:31 AM Thursday, November 04, 2004
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What happened, cont.
I'm continuing to post election result analysis to this morning's post. Scroll down to see the latest additions.
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posted by liz at 11:30 AM
Feeling Blue?
That's what Dave Barry's associate, Judi, was feeling yesterday. Dave asked blog readers to cheer her up. Here's what they did.
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Are you feeling blue about what happened yesterday? Maybe you should read these comments. Some of them are bound to make you laugh. Especially the one that calls GWB "Goober Chickenshorts". posted by liz at 10:21 AM
What happened?
Here are a few explanations on why the election went the way it did. I expect the analyses will keep coming, but these struck me yesterday (couldn't post then because I couldn't get in to edit). I'll be adding to this list:
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posted by liz at 9:30 AM Wednesday, November 03, 2004
The Pledge
Aaron Brown apparently read this on CNN last night, and everybody's linking to it or copying it. If you haven't seen it yet, here it is:
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After the election results are in, I promise to: The pledge was first posted on Jeff Jarvis's Buzz Machine blog, but it's one of the blogs that I haven't been able to get into with increased traffic the last day or so. (Added later:) Jarvis expands on the thoughts expressed here in a later posting: The alternative is to sit in a room and growl like the village nut. That won't get us anywhere. And, in fact, it will damage the party and the worldview; it will push us toward our fringe so we get an even more unelectable candidate next time; it will let the Republicans grow. It's a bad strategy. So suck it up and repeat after me: He's our President, too. Apologies for light posting today. Most times I've tried today I haven't been able to access this blog to edit it. I expect it's part of the huge traffic on blogs today. More later. posted by liz at 3:17 PM Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Blog silence
Apparently many people are having trouble reaching blogs today. I just tried a few and got timed out messages from Wonkette and Boing Boing; Michael Froomkin says he's had trouble, and there are lots of readers' comments saying the same thing. Kevin Drum says his blog has been slow to respond, although I got in quickly.
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This may just mean that blogs really have become important source for political information these days; readership is going up and on a day like this, everyone wants to read blogs. The fact that the New York Times has featured political bloggers several times in the last few weeks (including today's op-ed piece from several bloggers) may have something to do with it. (I just had a really slow response from the New York Times, too. There may be Internet overload everywhere tonight.) (Bonus feature: here's part of Wonkette's endorsement from the Times piece:
posted by liz at 6:28 PM
Following the Count
Various places will be posting election results as they come in, mostly major news sources. The Miami Herald will be posting news as it comes in, including the Presidential race here. But for a place to go straight for results as they come in, two possibilities (we'll see how they work as the night goes on):
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Also, check your state elections department (here's Florida's, or a list of links to other states); or check your local county elections department (Here's a list of Florida counties' sites) for current totals on local races and local votes on national races throughout the night. posted by liz at 6:06 PM
Watching the Vote
The Miami Herald is blogging the election with several blogs with many Herald staffers contributing. Look for Election Day Watch at Herald.com. Here's The Miami-Dade vote blog. There is also one covering Broward, and Florida.
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posted by liz at 4:09 PM
Just one comment heard from the peaceful line of people waiting under threatening skies to get inside to vote: "I don't mind standing here. Lots of men died to give us the right to be voting today".
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Can't say it any better than that. posted by liz at 2:52 PM
Another prediction:
ElectionProjection.com has a slightly different take on the results of the election. Their prediction: Bush 289, Kerry 249.
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Electoral-Vote.com's projection stays (so far) where it was yesterday: Kerry 298, Bush 231. And, veteran newspaperman Jimmy Breslin, in Newsday, says his prediction made last May will stand: it's Kerry by a landslide. Just one reason he's so sure:
Draft. (Added later:) And another prediction, from Editor & Publisher magazine: based on newspapers' endorsements for president, E&P predicts Kerry 286 electoral votes to Bush 252. (Thanks to alert reader Michael Winograd.) posted by liz at 9:26 AM Monday, November 01, 2004
Problems in Florida
Election Incident Reporting system from VoteProtect.org shows more voting incidents in Florida than in any other state so far, more than 1000. Note the Majority are in Southeast Florida, (area of highest population). You can also get a count and description here of type of incident.
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posted by liz at 3:15 PM
Predicting the vote - and the war
If you were intrigued, as I was, by the item below about the Redskins loss presaging a Kerry victory, and want to know more, The Kerry-Edwards blog has the Redskins and presidential race results for every election since 1936.
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Also: check out the latest prediction from Electoral-vote.com: Kerry 298, Bush 231. And, just as a reminder how important this race is: The Lancet pubishes an article on a Johns Hopkins study that says maybe 100,000 Iraqi civilians have died in George Bush's war in Iraq. Worth it? In Newsweek, Hell to Pay: "And so the bloody battles of the Iraq war - which never quite ended - are about to start up again in full force.". Oh, and (added later:) Daily Kos notices that ICasualties.org's latest U.S. military casualty figures shows that the rate of death of American soldiers and marines is now 2.33 a day...up from 1.86 a day during the period from the war until the 'turnover' to Iraqi authority. (Some links via Dave Winer and Metafilter.) posted by liz at 1:09 PM
Those wolves, again
The International Wolf Center says it's offended by the Bush ad campaign depicting wolves as predators. (Via Guardian blog.)
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posted by liz at 10:04 AM
The cost of Iraq
The Raleigh News & Observer looked at several contracts between the U.S. military and a North Carolina company and did this fascinating report on how independent contractors are adding to the cost of the war in Iraq. Here's how one contractor's $600/day was paid:
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ESS added its costs and profit and sent its bill to Halliburton, which also added overhead and a profit and presented the final bill to the Pentagon. It's nearly impossible to say whether the cost for Zovko doubled, tripled or quadrupled. Congressional investigators and defense auditors have had to fight the primary contractor, Halliburton, for details of the spending. The companies say the subcontracts are confidential and won't discuss them. There's a lot more to this N&O report; they've been following the contractor story for several months. Links to all the stories here. (Via The Scoop.) Yet, 60 Minutes had a report last night on soldiers dying from lack of armoring and equipment. Something's off kilter. (The report was followed by a news blurb that said Americans spent $3 Billion! on Halloween this year. Is that what those tax cuts went for? Halloween junk?) posted by liz at 9:31 AM