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Infomaniac: WeBlog
Friday, July 20, 1990
More on casualties
Iraq Body Count has compiled a new Dossier of Civilian Casualties in Iraq. The report is in a graphics-heavy a 28-page PDF, and finds that at least 67,000 civilians have been killed or wounded since the March 2003 invasion, up to March of this year. Nearly 25,000 have been killed, including 51 babies. Nearly half of the dead were killed by U.S. forces.
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Speaking of casualties, one blog is now being removed from the blogroll as of today. South Knox Bubba, a blog I really enjoyed reading for its dedication to a community (Knoxville, TN area), great photos (including Friday Bird Blogging) and for setting up the Rocky Top Brigade, a list of Tennessee bloggers is no more. posted by liz at 2:05 PM Sunday, July 01, 1990
Monday morning roundup
Here are some of the things bloggers are pointing to today:
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NOAA has posted satellite photos of destruction from Hurricane Dennis including photos of Pensacola Beach and Gulf Islands National Seashore. New Yorker article by Seymour Hersh on whether the U.S. manipulated the election in Iraq.
The Environmental Working Group reports on newborn babies and finds that researchers find up to 200 industrial chemicals in their bloodstreams. The World's Healthiest Foods site provides 100 healthy recipes that can be made in 30 minutes or less. DinnerBuzz is a new 'social networking' site that allows people to rate and comment on restaurants in a city. Lots of cities included here, including Miami, where there are no posts yet. Go out to eat and contribute! The folks in Rochester, for heavens sake, are doing better. posted by liz at 2:05 PM